Our founder Tillman Pink Jr. embodies an unparalleled commitment to service. Tillman began what would be a long history of caring for others while serving as a Senior Medical Specialist in the United States Army. He was responsible for the “immediate” direct care of soldiers in a wide range of settings where moments could mean the difference between life and death. His Army experience equipped him with valuable skills and training, but more importantly, it is where the building blocks of service and caring were forged. The biggest impact of his service was developing a “heightened appreciation for life and those cared for by others when they need it most”. This would forever be a part of him and would eventually lead him to establishing Glen Park. He left the Army confident in his abilities and determined to achieve three goals: to pursue education, to become an entrepreneur, and to give something back. He accomplished all three.
Tillman completed his Reserve Duty at USC Medical Center. He also completed his AA Degree at Los Angeles City College, a BS Degree from California State University at Los Angeles, an MBA degree from the University of Southern California, and two years of law school (nights) at Cleveland State University. He gained management experience while working in corporate settings such as Arthur Young & Company, CPA’s, Black and Decker, Standard Oil of Ohio, British Petroleum, and Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science. While working he sacrificed and saved to be in a position to start his own business. When asked what he appreciates most, his response was, “The United States of America. Because in this country all things are possible for those who are willing to work hard to achieve their dreams.”
Glen Park was started in 1990 based on the principles of superior care, excellent service, responsiveness, and an unwavering respect for life. Today Glen Park is an exemplary provider of health care services in the Los Angeles area. Tillman continues to seek out innovation methods to improve the quality of life for those he serves. His “hands on” approach to providing exceptional care fueled the growth of the company.
On a personal level, Tillman’s spirit of care has been extended to close family members who have required many of the services provided by Glen Park. He and his family have firsthand knowledge of the emotions experienced when caring for a loved one who requires extraordinary support and care, and it is this experience that makes him uniquely sensitive to the needs of others facing similar challenges.
Tillman believes that the success of Glen Park has been a direct result of the contributions of his wife Mrs. Miriam Pink and his daughter Marina Pink. As a family, they work diligently to provide best-in-class service to each individual. Mrs. Pink shares her husband’s passion for providing healthcare services that improve the quality of each life Glen Park touches. She has 40 years of health care industry experience and a drive for excellence. Marina Pink represents the next generation dedicated to caring for your loved ones needs and will provide stability in the ever-changing face of health care. Glen Park is not just a business to this family; it represents a lifetime of personal commitment to service and reflects who the Pinks are and the values for which they stand.
The Pink family believes in giving back to the community and has launched the Glen Park Foundation to help motivate the children of their staff members to transform their dreams and visions to reality. This is tangible evidence of their commitment to the community and those they serve daily.
It’s a history of service that you can rely on because what matters to you matters at Glen Park.
Our Story